Frequently Asked Questions
Prolotherapy FAQs
Yes, prolotherapy is an ongoing treatment process which in time results in permanent stabilization of the joint.
Although Platelet Rich Plasma is a type of prolotherapy, the process for each is quite different. PRP is platelet rich plasma produced from a patient’s own blood while prolotherapy is an injection made up of natural therapeutic agents which provoke the acute inflammatory response promoting the renewal of damaged tissues. Classic prolotherapy is easier to administer, has less side effects and is significantly less expensive than PRP.
The level of pain Prolotherapy causes varies across the board. The level of comfort patients feel will depend on the area treated and the choice of solution used. Prolotherapy is better described as mildly uncomfortable rather than painful. Dr. Pollack has years of experience administering Prolotherapy injections. This experience provides him with a higher level of expertise to ensure the utmost comfort for his patients. Mild swelling and stiffness may occur following the injections but will pass quickly and can be reduced with OTC pain relievers.
Yes, Prolotherapy is very safe and considered much safer than surgery or pain medicine. As one of the most popular forms of regenerative injection therapy, prolotherapy is a highly effective, natural treatment option for tendons, ligaments and joint dysfunction.
Prolotherapy treatment involves stimulating the body’s natural healing process by strengthening specific joints with new connective tissue. Prolotherapy injections supply nutrients to the joint which increases blood flow. With a precise injection of a mild irritant solution, tissues are stimulated to naturally produce new growth.
The agents used in prolotherapy injections, dextrose and lidocaine, are FDA approved. However, the FDA has yet to approve Prolotherapy treatment management.
- Regenerative Injection Therapy
- Nonsurgical ligament and tendon reconstruction
- Proliferative injection therapy
Along with prolotherapy, stem cell injection therapy and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy have been used to treat patients with chronic pain and muscle injuries.
Most patients see improvement immediately. Others start to see gradual improvement over the course of 4-6 weeks which is about the time it takes for new tissue to develop. Prolotherapy works to correct the cause of the pain directly, creating lasting results.
Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy FAQs
Some patients who receive OMT may experience soreness or stiffness in the days immediately after their therapy.
Like prolotherapy, OMT is based on the idea of all parts of the body being interconnected. Treating pain may involve influencing other parts of the body.
Some massage therapists have used osteopathic techniques but are not board-certified doctors. Doctors of osteopathic medicine must undergo 4 years of training to receive their degree, followed by an internship and residency. Chiropractors must only receive a 4 year Chiropractic Degree without any additional training. Chiropractors are NOT medical doctors.
Yes. Depending on the type of headache, OMT can be effective. Cervicogenic and migraine headaches respond well to Osteopathic Manipulation Therapy. It’s important to understand the source of your pain so Dr. Pollack can provide an accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment plan.
Botox Therapy FAQs
Botox injections for pain are considered safe with minimal side effects when given by an experienced neurologist like Dr. Pollack. Below are possible, temporary side effects from Botox injections:
- Pain, swelling or bruising where injection was inserted
- Headache
- Flu-like symptoms
- Droopy eyelids or crooked smile
- Excessive tearing or drying in eyes
Yes. Botox injections are derived from botulinum which is the toxin found in botulism.
Yes. Botox® (onabotulinum toxin A) was licensed specifically for the treatment of migraine headaches. During the early 90s, patients started reporting an improvement in headaches while receiving botulinum toxin for other various reasons. As a paralyses of muscles, botulinum toxic inhibits chronic migraine pain by reducing the expression of certain pain pathways.
Platelet Rich Plasma FAQs
PRP and Prolotherapy are both out of pocket expenses not covered by insurance. Prolotherapy is the more affordable, effective and efficient regenerative treatment.
PRP therapy uses the patient’s own concentrated blood platelets and re-injects them into the body to rebuild damaged tendons or cartilage. PRP therapy is popular in sports medicine.
Platelet-rich plasma is blood with an increased concentration of platelets. Normally, blood contains equal amounts of platelets, red cells, and white cells. In this procedure, the platelets are separated from the red and white cells. Centrifugation then fills the plasma with platelets.
Platelets are used due to their role in blood clotting and ability to carry hundreds of growth factor proteins.
Blood is taken from the patient in order to reduce the possibility of rejection upon injection and infection.
Platelet-rich plasma is injected into an injured or inflamed tissue. Platelets contain growth factor proteins which help healing.
PRP therapy has received FDA considerations for certain medical procedures when using the patient’s own blood. However, there is not enough data for full approval as a regenerative treatment option.
Stem Cell Therapy FAQs
No, stem cell injection therapy has not been approved by the FDA.
Stem cell injection therapy is usually not covered by insurance. As a result, all costs are out-of-pocket. Due to the need to collect stem cells before the injection procedure, this treatment plan takes longer and costs more. Prolotherapy is an affordable, efficient and effective alternative to stem cell injection therapy.
Stem cell injection therapy involves the use of stem cells to repair injury. The cells are taken from bone marrow or umbilical cord blood. This regenerative injection therapy is used to treat chronic pain and arthritis.
Stem cells are collected from bone marrow, adipose tissue (fat), umbilical cord blood, or amniotic fluid. Stem cells act as new cells to replace the original cells at the point of injury.
When taken from the patient, cells are usually aspirated from the hip bone. This procedure can result in temporary pain and soreness. Stem cells act as new cells to replace the original cells at the point of injury.
Along with prolotherapy, stem cell injection therapy and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy have been used to treat patients with chronic pain and muscle injuries.
Neural Therapy FAQs
Yes. Neural therapy is very safe. On rare occasions, an allergic reaction to procaine and lidocaine may occur. Feeling faint is also another mild side effect patients have experienced. Concerns of organ puncturing are commonly addressed. This is extremely rare. Dr. Pollack always administers injections slowly and accurately to ensure the highest level of safety in each procedure he performs.
Neural therapy is an effective treatment for pain which enhances healing and restoring the body’s autonomic nervous system. Neural therapy works to heal trauma induced body parts like scars by re-establishing the electrical impulses once present and helps to produce normal organ function.
Spinal Decompression Therapy FAQs
Spinal decompression works from a combination of spinal positioning and a level of force. A gentle pull created by a logarithmic curve avoids a proprioceptor response which then produces the decompression. The negative pressure retracts a bulging or herniated disc into the inside of the disc and nerve root. Decompression diffuses water, oxygen and nutrient-rich fluids to the inside of the disc which promote healing.
Patients usually have muscle spasm associated with their disc disease. There is no pain associated with the treatment and the muscle spasms associated with their disease remit after therapy.
Prolotherapy… You’re Best Option
Your Best Alternative to Surgery and Best Option to Eliminate Your Pain.